Today at the Fergana regional branch of Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture in order to ensure the implementation of the tasks set at the meeting of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to ensure youth employment on February 23, 2024 “Career Day” labor fair was organized to help the students to get a job, to distribute the graduates of the 2023-2024 academic year to jobs.
More than 80 organizations, theaters, children’s music and art schools, city and district information library centers, and cultural institutions are invited to the job fair to select them and provide them with work by directly interviewing them. done.
The number of graduates of this academic year in the branch is 156 in the full-time department, and 63 in the part-time department, a total of 219, and the employment rate of graduates is 60%.
In order to convey today’s event to the general public through the mass media, a press tour was organized by the creators of the Fergana region television and radio company.