Head of the department
Habibijonov Ikromjon Toshpulat oglu
Phone: +998 73 543 5012
E-mail: mybooks91@mail.ru
The main goal and objective of the department is preparining of highly qualified specialists meeting the high professional and ethical requirements, as well as theoretical, scientific and professional types of training specified in the subjects of the curricula of higher education compiled in accordance with the state educational standards level, ensuring the quality of education.
Faculty members
There are 7 full-time department members. 3 of them are candidates of science, associate professors. In order to increase the scientific potential of the department, professors and teachers are conducting scientific works.
Research centers and laboratories
On the basis of the presidential decree “On the approval of the concept of development of science until 2030” the “Scientific-research center for study of best practices of librarianship”, “Scientific and creative laboratory of automation of library activities” were organized.