Head of the department
Azizov Sarvar Salimjon oglu
Phone: +998 73 543 5012
E-mail: sarvar.azizov22@gmail.com
The department was established on September 4, 2023. The department carries out educational methodological and scientific work on several related subjects, conducts educational work, as well as scientific and practical work.
Faculty members
There are 20 full-time department members. Among them, there are 1 professor, 5 associate professors, 3 senior teachers, 16 teachers, 3 Phd teachers.
Professional education (instrumental performance)
Instrument performance – Piano (organ) performance
Performance of musical instruments (string instruments, violin, viola).
Research centers
On the basis of the presidential decree “On the approval of the concept of development of science until 2030” the “Fergana-Tashkent musical performance schools” center was organized.
Strategic plans
– Increasing the number of textbooks, study guides and monographs developed by professors and teachers;
– Increasing the number of professors with scientific titles and academic degrees;
– Support the development of orchestras and ensembles operating within the department;
– Organization of festivals at the national and international level;
– Increasing the number of candidates for state scholarships from talented students;
– Sending professors to internships in partner higher education institutions;
– Increasing the number of prize-winning students at competitions and festivals.