Faculty dean
Talaboev Azizjon Nabijonovich
Phone: +998 73 543 5012
E-mail: talaboyev.azizjon19@gmail.com
The main goal and objective of the faculty is preparing talented young people in the spirit of high examples of Uzbek and World arts, providing comprehensive support and realization of their creative abilities and aspirations, actors in the field of theater and folk arts, training of highly qualified specialists in cultural studies and art studies.
The main tasks of the faculty are preparing of specialists who have mastered fundamental knowledge and concepts, historical and modern traditions, innovative technologies, knowledge and skills established by the state standard in the field of culture and art, providing high-quality knowledge and skills to trained specialists based on the real demands and needs of the labor market, continuous improvement of knowledge and experience, scientific-creative potential and pedagogical skills of professor-teachers in the field of their profession; implementation of modern pedagogical and innovative technologies, advanced scientific achievements in the field of culture and arts to the educational process.
There are five departments within the faculty: Department of Theater Arts, Department of Stage Speech and Art History, Department of Folk Arts, Department of Social Sciences, Librarianship and Sports, Department of Instrument Performance and Musical-theoretical Sciences.
Department of Theater Arts
Department of Stage Speech and Art History
Department of Folk Arts
Department of Social Sciences, Librarianship and Sports
Department of Instrument Performance and Musical-theoretical Sciences
The educational process is organized on the basis of the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to improve the system related to the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions”, “On the procedure for introducing the credit-module system to the educational process in educational institutions”, and “On approval of the regulation on control and evaluation system”.