Profession description: The result of the work of any actor is the artistic image that he creates on the stage. If a dramatic actor uses his life experience, appearance, movements, etc. to create an image, then the actor of musical theater besides all this also uses professional singing. However, in a musical theater, singing and dancing are not of an auxiliary nature, but serve to develop the action, to assert the idea of the performance and form a single whole. Therefore, it is not enough for an actor of a musical theater to have just good vocal skills; he must create an artistic image that is understandable and interesting for the audience in the process of singing. An actor of a musical theater should have a beautiful physical form (after all, there are many dances in performances) and constantly support it. In addition, an actor of a musical theater should have a sense of humor, be cheerful, open, because musical comedy and operetta is a bright and cheerful art.
Places of work: This specialist can work in opera and ballet theaters as well as continue his work in the Cultural Centers, as well as teach acting skills in art circles.
Professional skills: Orientation in special literature, both in terms of the profile of your art form, and in related fields of artistic creativity; know the principles and have practical skills in working with makeup, know the history of musical theater.
Professionally important qualities:
- observation;
- imagination;
- good vocal.
Medical contraindications:
- pronounced mental and nervous diseases;
- speech defects;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- reduced hearing and vision acuity.