Department of order portfolio formation, student recruitment and monitoring.

Tasks of the order formation portfolio, student recruitment and monitoring department of the Fergana regional branch of the  State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan

Conducting continuous marketing research in the market of educational services to study the professional skills (qualifications) of graduates in bachelor’s and master’s specialties, as well as their employers (consumers) ) to determine compliance with the requirements.

Analyze changes in the market of services, which may lead to the emergence of competitive educational services in the bachelor’s and master’s specialties in the economy and social spheres of the republic, and identify new areas of development.

Establishment and implementation of a system of pre-employment of graduates based on the analysis of the interaction between various factors (segments) affecting the market and conjuncture of educational services in bachelor’s and master’s specialties increase

Objects of employment, including the ratio of supply and demand for graduates of bachelor’s and master’s specialties – consumers of educational services (employers, organizations with different forms of ownership – government and create a complete database by assessing the structure of local governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations, etc.), determining and grouping their geographical location, diagnosing their potential.

Creation of a database of graduates of the current year (on the basis of state grants and paid contracts in the field of education and specialties, indicating the name of the full-time and special part-time forms of education) .

Taking into account the prospects for the development of the economy and social sectors of the republic and the relevant regions (regions), the preparation of proposals to open new areas or specialties of education, as well as to stop those that do not meet the requirements of the market of educational services identify a list of non-bachelor majors and master’s majors

In order to determine the indicators of student enrollment, the current state grants and payment contracts, taking into account the existing requirements (orders) of employers (enterprises and organizations) for the areas of education (training) or specialties and forming a promising ‘order portfolio’.

Sheraliyeva Muazzamkhon Abdumalikovna is currently the head of the order portfolio formation, employment and monitoring department of the Fergana regional branch of the  State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan


2002-2019. – Special science teacher of Dangara Industrial Vocational College, Dangara district, Fergana region

2019-2021 – Economist of the Department of order portfolio formation, employment and monitoring of graduates of the Fergana regional branch of the Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture

2021  – Head of the Department of order portfolio formation, employment and monitoring of graduates of the Fergana regional branch of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan

Responsibilities of the head of the order portfolio formation, recruitment and monitoring of graduates:

Execution of training contracts with enterprises, institutions, organizations, individuals.
Calculation of the difference in tuition fees with students studying on a fee-for-service basis (based on the relevant regulations).
Carry out timely payment of tuition fees with students studying on a fee-for-service basis (in cooperation with the deans).
Participate in international marketing and use of local and foreign funds, programs, project development.
Preparation of data on the number of students enrolled on a fee-for-service basis (based on the work plan, in conjunction with the HR department).

Reception days: every day from 9:00 to 17:00


