The 10th meeting of the board of the Fergana regional branch of Uzbekistan State Institute of Art and Culture for the 2023/2024 academic year was held.
During the “Council” chaired by branch director Gapurov Mirmukhsin Kamoldinovich, it was heard about the implementation of decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Higher Education and Science and Innovation and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A report on the further improvement of the quality of foreign language teaching at the branch and the state of mastering foreign languages of professors and teachers and students was listened to and analyzed. A report was heard on the measures for the effective organization of the “Student-Youth Creativity” competition-festival and the “Open Doors Day” and its implementation. Reports on the organization and improvement of international cooperation relations and the organization of sending professors and teachers to advanced training and internships in prestigious foreign higher education institutions were listened to and analyzed, and relevant decisions were made.